Clients Whose Stories Are in the World

If God gave it to you, He'll get it through you. There's a story inside of you that the world is supposed to know about. It's your story for His glory. 

Every voice should be written and read.  

Venez C. Davis


Quotables 365: Every day is different. So, every day deserves its own quotes and daily inspiration.

Tysharda Thomas


First-Time Homebuyers Handbook: The process of homebuying is the same for everyone. Yet, it is different for those with wisdom going into and coming out of the process.

Ebony Stubbs


Yah's Daughter: Self-reflection shows you God's hand when you fail to recognize it.

Sarah Marie Collins


Recovery from Unusual Altitudes: When your world seems to go topsy-turvy, never fear. God is still in control.

CaTyra Polland


Professionalism, What's That?: Are you a student, recent graduate, or stay-at-home parent re-entering the employment market? Perhaps you're an aspiring entrepreneur, young professional, or retiree. This book is for anyone interested in being professional.



Boogyman in the Orange Bottle: There is a world beneath the one we live in that has such a stronghold over this world that how it has come to be is deemed 'normal'. The world of drug abuse and addiction is one that can't be ignored. The methods as to how many have fallen to it's charm began in the orange bottle found in our cabinets.

Letoya Palmo


Driven to Survive is an in-depth look into the personal life and times of LeToya Palmo through the unspoken, yet written poetic words, of her heart. She shares with you the uphill battles, the low valleys and the strength it had taken to overcome it all. Driven to Survive will inspire you and give you hope that you too can survive -- if you don't give up!

Suszane Joseph


Chasing After God's Own Heart: If you find yourself chasing anything other than God's heart, you will become bound by the world.

Geralda Larkins


Train Transform Transition: Geralda Larkins knows that the Kingdom of God cannot advance through wishful thinking, but it can advance forcefully through strategic faith. God has a strategy, a big plan of action that will lead us to the life we deserve. His strategy involves our actions. It is His work and His strategy, but in His incredible grace, He puts it into effect through us.

Yolanda Smilez


Big Mama is the True Trap Queen: Big Momma is the mother of a very successful church with a long legacy to hand off to her granddaughter, Charmaine, in due time. But behind the big smile, big hats, and big hugs are a life fit for a true trap queen. Big Mommy's not only overseeing church business but street business, too.

Ciara S. Miller


Don't Muzzle Your Message: Do you have a story that you know deep down needs to be heard? Have you been waiting for the day when you will finally conquer your fear of speaking? Have you been brainstorming on ways to increase your impact, influence, and income? In Don't Muzzle Your Message, Purpose Success Coach and Speaker Trainer Ciara S. Miller shares her secrets about the internal work she did in order to believe that she could be the speaker she knew she was born to be!

Jeffery Lee Melvin


7 Essentials: The day will arrive when you will wonder, "How do I tap into the greater things of God?" And the answer will be: to have a relationship with Him. 7 Essentials for Tapping Into the Veins of God will guide you to the place to do just that: build the ultimate relationship. It’s not hard, strenuous, or any other word that would make you become hesitant about putting in the work to tap into the greater things of God.

LaShawn Spry


Fourty Lessons to Forty: For many women, living their truth is often hidden behind the lies they tell themselves. The lies told, sadly, will hold women back from developing into the best women we, individually, can become. But the time of hiding has come to an end. The days of being stagnated in our past self have finished their course. 40 Lessons to 40 bring the truth to the front and silence the lies that swarm around our heads.

Toyonda Simone


My Pain is My Purpose: My life is not my own. It belongs to God. Because of this fact, God will proceed to use your life, from birth to death, as a tool to be used for His will and purpose. Although life can be hard yet joyful, trying yet full of hope, when we embrace the simple concept that He is using us for a greater purpose, victories and defeats begin to make sense.

Tiffany Lewis-English


#Speaklife is an intimate journal for those who struggle with infertility. If you have been searching for a resource to reflect on the pain and triumph of infertility, look no further.

Schkena Bruton


The Single Lady System:  Singleness isn't a disease or a death sentence. It is a season designed for growth and healing and to define one's relationship with God.

Cahtina Gamble


The Fight to Be Heard: Heartbreaks, heartaches, and emotional setbacks are universal experiences, even for the youngest among us. 

A Praying Wife in Waiting - Group Project


A Praying Wife in Waiting is an anthology providing hope, guidance, and sound advice to the Waiting Wives of God. Within the pages of this book, you’ll become encouraged to stay the course, learn lessons through life experiences of wives and receive the understanding that you’re not alone in your journey.

Jazmine C.T. Hunt


Nikki & Friends: One Day - One Chance - One Amazing Adventure! Sometimes, our dreams do come true.

Lionel Hilaire


Cultivate Your Calling: For many young adults, life arrives without any warnings, leaving them to struggle with its twists and turns. However, there is a way to cultivate the youth as they await their futures.

Verka Lance


Intertwined: New York City is the melting pot of the modern world. With the variety of cultures that blend within the Big Apple, love can be the biggest find of them all. From the everyday workplace to a simple hello, passion is formed with time and patience. Yet, will desire for one another be enough to keep lover intertwined in their respective relationships? Become intertwined with the love stories that only the City of New York can produce.

Dominque Tarah Smith


Dark Night of the Soul: Join Domonique Tirah Smith as she brings you along her journey from submission to a dishonest love through heartache to a quest for Divine love, self-reflection, self-acceptance, and, finally, revolutionary transformation. Her journey is one of growth and evolution, using love as a torch to light the way.

Demina Stewert


Daily Inspirations is designed to allow you to interact with the word of God and to provide you with inspiration to carry on with your day. The inspired piece is brief thus allowing you to read it when you have a few minutes in your day.

Darrick Dunham


I'm Saved, Now What?: For children, becoming saved by Christ comes with many questions that adults may find hard to answer. So, let another child explain it to them.

Zinan Noah Colson


Love Connects Us All: A story told through journal entries, personal essays, reflections, contemplations, and thoughts. This book tells the story of my struggle with pain, trauma, and loneliness. Ultimately, it tells the story of finding solace and purpose in love and in community.

Rod S Jones


Pheobe's Quest: The curve ball that life threw at sixteen-year-old Phoebe was harder than she could imagine. From having fun with her friends, fighting with her annoying little sister, being doted on by her parents, and excelling in schoolwork and in sports to making an adult decision for her future, was the toss she wasn’t prepared for. One would think the junior year of high school was a big deal next to senior year. For Phoebe, choosing to have sex with her boyfriend, who would soon be off to college, would lead to an unwanted, unplanned pregnancy.

Shakierah Smith

Coming 2025

From Rags to Briefcase: Every road has mile markers that track your course to success or failure. Depending on how you travel will determine if your journey is successful or not.

S. Shine


Why Would I Love You?: Some questions take years to formulate but seconds to solve. Life's daunting questions are often answered by those we love the most.

Lee Nova


101 Things Every Successful Person Must Know: Success is an overnight process. It takes months, years, and some decades to see the fruit of one's labor. Yet, even then, the pushing doesn't stop.

Beatrice S. Hlongwa


The Grief Journal: We all grieve at many points in our lives. How we grieve determines whether we live or simply exist. Living a new normal or existing in it aren't the same.

JD Brown


More Grace: His grace is sufficient enough. Yet, if you don't know what His grace looks like or what it is, how would you know it when you have it?

The Hub Collective - Group Project


Voices of Hope: The youth's creativity can't be contained in just one form of writing. These seven youths penned poetry and fictional and nonfictional stories to express themselves.

As Told by Mena


Life in the Low Place: David wrote the words of his heart during every season of life with God. As Told By Mena does so on her journey with the same God.

R. Fraizer


Deep Seeds: When secrets from the past meet secrets of the present, they are bound for a collision that will reveal the future.

Verka Lanece


Entangled: Every city has a clique, a group, a tribe of friends who live separate lives but become entangled through events, time, and chance.

Bishop Jeffrey Lee Melvin


Sensitive Saints: It's not that the church hurt you. It's your feelings that were bruised. Learn what you can do to overcome sensitivity in Christianity.

Future Authors


...and book information could be here! This is the year to become bold in your storytelling, whether fiction or non-fiction. No more fear. No more excuses. Let's get your book done!