Learn more about what we do

No Matter Where You Are in Your Writing Journey, We Have a Strategic Plan for You

All Packages Include: 

- Creative Critique & Development of the Manuscript
- Professional Editing & Proofreading
- Interior Design and Layout
- Customized Book Cover (Physical + E-book)
- Back Cover Copy Polish
- E-book Conversion & Publishing
- E-book Distribution
- ISBNumber
- U.S. Copyright Notice
- 100% Paperback Royalty
- Author Sets Retail Price
- Global Distribution & Availability via Amazon, B&N, and more
- Ongoing Mentoring for One Year After Publishing
- Book Signing Assistance + Promo Material


*A 25% deposit is required to begin the service. Payment plans are available for your convenience. Prices are subject to change. Prices does not include NY State taxes.

One Project Package Doesn't Fit All. Choose What is Closest to Your Needs.



Billed Monthly

- Creative Critique & Development of the Manuscript 
- Custom Book Cover 
- Design and Printing of Custom Table Runner



Billed Monthly

- Creative Critique & Development of the Manuscript
- Silver Level Author Branded Promo Package
- Author Sets Retail Price



Billed Monthly

- Creative Critique & Development of the Manuscript
- Book Signing Assistance + Promo Material
- 30-Second Promo Video



Billed Monthly

- Professional Ghostwriting
- 100% Paperback Royalty
- Author’s Website
- (4) 1-Hour “Beyond the Book Strategy” Sessions



Billed Monthly

- Custom Author’s Poster Board or Table Top Pop-up Banner
- Complimentary Proof of Book
- Author Interview 



Billed Monthly

Details Coming Soon

À La Carte Services

We Are a Full-Service Boutique Publishing House. What Do You Need?
Prices for À La Carte Services Start at $500


Sometimes, you just need someone in your corner to keep you accountable, set goals and deadlines, a creative sounding board, and a mentor. Good thing you'll get all of that in me!

If you're ready to get your book written, finally, then let's work! 

Investment: $2,497

Full Details


Once you've written your manuscript and are sure there's no more work to be done, let's get you published. 

Investment: Starting at $1,997

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You need your manuscript proofread before you publish your book after the edits are completed. 

Investment: Starting at $500

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Author's Website

Where you are found online is essential. You can't control everything, but you can control your website.

Investment: $550

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Just because your book is self-published doesn't mean it has to look like it. 

Let my team of professional editors—developmental, grammatical, copy, and line editors—use their expertise to work for you.

Investment: Starting at $777

Chat w/Coach

Pick My Brain

Question will come before, during, and after you start your journey as a published author. No matter where you are in your journey, I have the wisdom and knowledge to guide you. The PBM Sessions are one-hour recorded sessions, which will be sent to you 48-hours later.

Investment: $197 

Chat w/Coach


So, you want to write a book but lack the time to sit and do it? Well, my team of ghostwriters has the time and the professional skills to do it for you. 

Chat w/ Coach to Get Started!

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eBook Only

eBooks are here to stay. It's time to catch up and keep up with the times. 

Chat w/Coach

Need Somthing Else?

As a full-house boutique writing and publishing company, all your writing and publishing needs are in one location.

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